PrimaLuceLab SpA
Established in Pordenone on April 11 2013 in Studio Notarile Distefano Gianluca Francesco Maria.
- Registered office: Via Roveredo 20/b, 33170 Pordenone
- Operational headquarters: Via Torricelli 9, 33080 Porcia (PN)
- VAT number: 01736450931
- Fiscal code: 01736450931
- PEC email address:
- Phone number: 04341696106
- Rea code: PN - 100425
- Share capital: euro 135.135,14 i.v.
- Registered in Registro Imprese di Pordenone: Sezione ordinaria dal 16/04/2013
- Registered in Registro Imprese di Pordenone:Sezione speciale per le PMI innovative dal 11/10/2018
Corporate purpose
PrimaLuceLab SpA corporate purpose is the research, development, direct and indirect production and direct and indirect marketing, in the national territory and abroad, of innovative instruments for the reception of electromagnetic waves, also for astronomical and radio astronomy application, with high technological and scientific value, for both amateur and professional use. Research and development of telescopes, radio telescopes, accessories for astronomy and radio astronomy, the design of kits, the creation of application models and the development of software also for third parties. Research, import and marketing of astronomy, radio astronomy, outdoor, microscopy, photography and meteorology products. Verification of the compliance of the technical and functional characteristics of the products intended for the amateur sector, with the national, EU and international laws, and the certification, also for third parties. Training, technical assistance and user support even remotely.
Activity description
PrimaLuceLab SpA designs, builds and sells telescopes, radio telescopes and accessories for amateur astronomers, schools, universities, even for research, bringing the most advanced technologies for astronomy within everyone's reach.
Industrial and intellectual property
PrimaLuceLab SpA is the owner of the patent n°0001411863 inherent of a device for coupling a parabolic antenna to an equatorial mount for an instrument radio waves receprion and European Patent 3.335.078 - APPARATUS FOR ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY, and utility model n°202017000049997. Existence of professional relationships, collaborations with certified incubators, institutional and professional investors, universities and research centers: PrimaLuceLab SpA was born within the Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone and it has a collaboration with research centers Istituto di Radioastronomia INAF in Bologna and CNR-IEIIT.
Ai sensi dell'art. 1 c.125 della L. 124/2017, si segnala che l’importo delle sovvenzioni, contributi, incarichi retribuiti e comunque vantaggi economici di qualunque genere ricevuti dalle pubbliche amministrazioni e dai soggetti ad esse collegati, non aventi carattere generale e privi di natura corrispettiva, retributiva o risarcitoria, sono pubblicati nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all'articolo 52 della legge 24 dicembre 2012, n.234, a cui si rinvia ai sensi dell'articolo 3 - quater, comma 2, del decreto legge n. 135 del 2018.