ESATTO 3" has 76.3mm free aperture, 25mm of draw tube travel, 8kg of payload capacity and an incredible resolution of 0,04 micron per step! The perfect solution for apochromatic refractors and Ritchey-Chretien or Cassegrain telescopes, and heavy imaging trains with large cameras and accessories like off axis guiders, filter wheels and adaptive optics. And you can also expand ESATTO features by adding the ARCO robotic rotator!
Showing 25-26 of 26 item(s)
Adapter ESATTO 3" for Meade 16 inches with 4” thread allows you to connect ESATTO 3" to Meade LX200 SCT, LX200 GPS, LX200-ACF, LX600-ACF, LX800-ACF, LX850-ACF 16 inches telescopes or to all the telescopes that have 4-inch male thread
If you are searching for the most precise motorized focuser for Takahashi TSA120, this adapter allows you to connect ESATTO 3" to this telescope. By adding the optional camera adapters with stop ring you can also connect your Takahashi accessories. Based on the camera and accessories train you want to connect, you may need extenders to reach the focus...